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#121 - Corrective Exercise Dosage & Selection with Guido Van Ryssegem ATC
Performance Place Sports Care & Chiropractic

#121 - Corrective Exercise Dosage & Selection with Guido Van Ryssegem ATC

SHOW NOTES Guido Van Ryssegem is a badass. If you haven’t heard of him before, you may have heard of some of his contributions to the healthcare-fitness world. Just to name a few, Nick Winkelman studied under him and has become wildly popular. The sleeper stretch for throwers was a Guido invention. I was fortunate to attend Guido Attractor State and Dynamic Systems Theory Workshop and I can say with confidence that it changed the way I treat certain cases dramatically. The easiest way to think of Guido’s work in reducing Attractor States, is figuring out what the body is “asking for” and then giving it proper dosage of the proper “exercise medication.” Or maybe simplest way is to just hear the conversation :) Using the tactics Guido shares, I’ve been able to reduce many of my patient’s symptoms with a single corrective exercise within a matter of seconds. Neck pain, back pain, knee pain, hip impingement and so much more are treatable with the CORRECT corrective exercises. If you want to see a patient buy into your style quickly, consider attended Guido’s course. Simply amazing stuff. Guido Van Ryssegem Bio: Mr. Guido Van Ryssegem is owner and co-founder of Safe Recovery, LLC. He has been in clinical practice for 30 years and has been working in the strength and conditioning arena for 35 years. Guido is a practitioner, professional faculty and guest presenter at Oregon State University, and has published in the Asian Journal of Martial Arts, Clinical Kinesiology and the International Journal Of Sports Physical Therapy. Guido is also a guest presenter for the University of Oregon, Western Oregon University, Athletes Performance -EXOS, Perform Better and the National Personal Trainers Institute, and other institutions. He has practiced for the Kansas City Royals, Texas Rangers and the Baltimore Orioles. His expertise extends to his own Kinetic Integrations Exercise Specialist Certification (KIEP). He is a board certified Athletic Trainer (ATC), Registered Nurse (RN) and Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) while also certified by the National Board of Fitness Examiners (NBFE). Guido serves as the Northwest regional coordinator for the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) and is a committee member for two National Athletic Trainers Association (NATA) task forces. He serves on advisory boards. Guido’s motor learning and motor control systems and methodologies can be seen on, and MedBridgeEducation. He presents nationally and internationally on this methodology. Guido Van Ryssegem ATC Contact: Overcoming the Myth of Proprioceptive Training What We Say Matters by Nick Winkelman
Guido Van Ryssegem on movement variability
Fitness IQ

Guido Van Ryssegem on movement variability

Many thanks to Guido Van Ryssegem for taking time out of his day to school us on movement variability. Guido reminded us that we must be wary of movement ideologies that have emerged recently. Human movement is extremely diverse. Movement is also naturally imprecise to protect our bodies from undue repetitive strain. Here are some key points: There are many ways to move within a given pattern. Everybody will move slightly differently based on their ability, anthropometry etc. A powerlifter and an olympic weightlifter squat very differently, this does not make one of them wrong. Practice does not necessarily make perfect. When emotions are correlated with an event or a specific movement, it can be much more memorable than thoughtless effort. For example, if you have ever delivered a baby, you probably remember it extremely vividly, despite only having done it once. Humans are imprecise with their movements. Every stride we take when running, or every throw a pitcher makes can be different. This is a good thing, as it allows dynamic loading of the tissues that degenerate with repeated stress. If we limit the variability in our movement, as in the example of limping after a sprained ankle we can lose hip range of motion, and eventually muscle mass and function in the spinal stabilizers. Now we have dysfunction throughout the kinetic chain and pain can present in many areas. Not good. The Dynamic Systems theory for human movement describes a chaotic amount of sensory information that the central nervous system must process and to which produce a response i.e. movement. Dynamic Systems theory is comprised of three factors. 1.We can manipulate or mobilize the human system When we increase the range of motion in a joint, with one of our many techniques, the nervous system processes this increase and movement can change very quickly. 2.We can manipulate the task If you perform a body weight squat with a fair amount of forward lean, and then hold a weight overhead and squat again, the movement will change. We did not have to coach this, it happened automatically to suit the demands of the task. 3.We can manipulate the environment If you go outside and have to walk on ice, you do not need someone to tell you how to keep your balance. You automatically change your body position and gait pattern so you do not fall. Or maybe you fall. Watch your step, bruh. We should have different standards for injured populations and healthy high level athletes in some cases. The patient is (re)learning movement in a very controlled environment. A high level athlete is has performed their movement thousands of times. For example patient that has undergone an ACL reconstruction need to limit valgus collapse of the knee as much as possible to make sure they are safe. A sprinter or weightlifter may have some valgus collapse because it is mechanically advantageous to them and they can control it. We should be analyzing the movements athletes are performing repetitively, and giving them different movements/exercises that increase or maintain their movement variability. Movement emergence is another important concept. Novel movements emerge when a situation demands it. For example walking on ice or playing tug of war for the first time. You learn how to accomplish these tasks extremely quickly without any instruction. We need to let our patients and athletes figure movement out themselves to a greater degree before we fill their ears with cues. Our goal should be to optimize movement variability in our patients/clients. Variability is not to be confused with randomness. Do not coach new movements just for the sake of novelty. An exercise being hard does not mean it is good, or useful. Take each clients specific strengths and weaknesses into consideration to program rehab, and of course, treat them accordingly.
Munich 2015
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